Chemistry Kit™: Quickly test and assess which chemistry is best for removing Total Suspended Solids (TSS), Fats, Oils and Grease (FOG) and metals
Floc Soc Kit™: Passive treatment kit treats ONE MILLION GALLONS of turbid water reducing TSS to low NTU levels. Flow rates up to 500 gpm
Ultimate Sand Filter™: Active treatment system treats millions of gallons of turbid water reducing TSS to ultralow NTU levels. Flow rates up to 5,000 gpm
Metal Solve™: Removes ionized metals and radionuclides to low ppb levels or lower in a few minutes with HMR Media™. Exhausted media passes California WET and TCLP test and landfills as non-hazardous solid waste. NSF/ANSI 61 certification for drinking water.
Waste Water Buster™: Proprietary dry blend chemistry capable of removing high loads of TSS and F.O.G.
SAF™: Suspended Air Flotation that rapidly separates solids from liquids
H2O Recycle™: Water and wastewater recycle system capable of recovering 90% of the water as potable while reducing the waste stream to 10%. When every drop counts, use the HERO water recovery and get 99% back as potable
Air to H2O™: Atmospheric Water Generator